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Trichuris trichiura

An egg of Trichuris trichiura. x400.

Sung-Jong Hong

An egg of Trichuris trichiura. x400.

Sung-Jong Hong

An egg of Trichuris trichiura at two-cell stage. x400.

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An egg of Trichuris trichiura at morular stage. x400.

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An embyonated egg of Trichuris trichiura. x400.

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Trichuris trichiura, male.

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Stichosome of Trichuris trichiura.

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Posterior part of male Trichuris trichiura.

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Posterior part of female Trichuris trichiura.

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The transitional part leading the anterior slender part to the posterior thick part containing reproductive organs in female Trichuris trichiura. The vagina opens at this part.

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An oblique section of stichosome shows a chain of stichocytes in Trichuris trichiura. x400.

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Sections of Trichuris trichiura in a human caecum. x100.

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Trichuris trichiura thread their anterior part into intestinal mucosa. The red areas are stains by blood bleeded from the damaged mucosa.

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A mass of Trichuris trichiura in a caecum.

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A cross shows a stichocyte at center of the section and holomyarian muscle layer. x400.

Sung-Jong Hong