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Giardia lamblia

TEM of in vitro-derived cyst of Giardia lamblia (left panel), TEM of a faecal originated cyst of Giardia lamblia(right panel)

Tai Soon Yong

Cyst of Giardia lamblia showing ellipsoidal shape with 2 nuclei and curved axoneme (Iodine stain, 1000x).

DY Min/MH Ahn/JS Ryu

Trophozoites from culture of Giardia lamblia. The living trophozoite is rounded anteriorly, pointed posteriorly, and convexed dorsally because of vetral sided sucking disc. The size of the trophozoite varies within wide limits (9 to 21 um in length by 5 to 15 um in breadth and 2 to 4 um in thickness). The four pairs of flagella arise from superficial organelles on the ventral side of the body. x400

Hae-Seon Nam

Trophozoites of Giardia lamblia. Two symmetric nuclei, a median body, and 4 paired flagella are seen.

Tai Soon Yong

Transmission electron micrograph of Giardia lamblia trophozoite (left panel). Enlarged TEM figure showing an adhesive disc of trophozoite (right panel)

Tai Soon Yong

Trophozoite of Giardia lamblia showing pear-shaped with 2 nuclei and 2 axoneme (I-H stain, 1000x). B. Trophozoite of Giardia lamblia showing 2 nuclei, axoneme and flagella (Giemsa stain, 1000x).

DY Min/MH Ahn/JS Ryu